Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hello Again

Hello, my lovely readers. I'm sorry to have neglected you this past week. The time has been filled with lesson planning, grading, classes, free talks, and meeting with students. I've been tired and haven't taken the time I need to recharge in God's Word.

I promise a longer post soon. In the meantime, enjoy these random China tidbits:

I ended my freshman class today by saying, "Happy Thanksgiving!" A student yelled out, "Me too!" (She later asked me if "me too" and "you too" mean the same thing.)

One of my students wrote a composition about how to make one's calves smaller. She wants to fit into the cute tall boots that are popular here.

The campus clinic is filled with students who are in isolation due to fevers or the flu. "Isolation" means they must sleep at the clinic, but they can still have visitors and some of them can go out to buy their lunch and supper.

I am about to join a student for her birthday lunch. Talk to you soon!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Alison! We have a crisp 32 degree bright and sunny day to give thanks for all that we have. Brent, Cori, Dan's dad and brother are joining us today. Bryan won't be home until Christmas. We are thankful to share the gifts we have been blessed with. : )
    Love, Linda
